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Arieh Sharon und die Architektur des neuen Staates Israel
Philipp Oswalt (Ed.) Hannes Meyers neue Bauhauslehre.
Birkhauser, 2019

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Richard Kauffmann and the Zionist Rural Mise-en-Scene
Joerg Stabenow, Ronny Scholer Eds., The Transfer of Modernity – Architectural Modernism in Palestine (1923-1948).
Gebr. Mann Verlag – Berlin, 2019

Open PDF
Brutalism in the Middle East – Introduction
Bat Yam City Hall. Amal Lady Davis High School, Tel Aviv. Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva. In, Oliver Elser, Philip Kurz, Peter Cachola Liesner Eds., SOS Brutalism.
Park Books 2017

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Pidgin Bauhaus
Our Bauhaus Heritage, Editor: Sandra Hofmeister.
Detail, 2019

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Bauhaus in the Tropics
The most beautiful campus in Africa

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The Haunt of the Rural: Zionist Colonization and Space Planning
Collectivize, Editors: Mark Angelil, Rainer Hehl.
Ruby Press, 2013

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Proxy Colonialism
The export of Israeli architecture to Africa. In, African Modernism, Editor: Manuel Herz.
Park Books, Zurich, 2015

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The Politics of New Towns in Israel
The UrbUrb, Editors: Roy Brand, Ori Scialom. The Israeli Pavilion, The 14th Architecture Venice Biennale.

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The Object of Zionism
The Architecture of Israel. Author: Zvi Efrat.
Spector Books, 2019

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Casa Bella: Il destino della Palestina
Il destino della Palestina, la construzione dello Stato di Israele, il 'Bauhaus Sionista' e l'Yiddishkeit.
Gruppo Mandadori, 2019

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The Israeli Project
Building and Architecture, 1948 - 1973. Editors: Zvi Efrat, Zvi Elhyani, Daphna Raz.
Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2004

Open PDF Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Bauhaus Buildings without Bauhaus
In, Bauhaus Magazine #2. Editor: Philipp Oswalt.
Spector Books, 2011

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Avshalom Suleiman: Conversation with Zvi Efrat
Museum: Use Value. Editor: Drorit Gur Arieh.
Resling, 2014

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Quaderns: Reworking the Israel Museum
Quaderns d'arquitectura i urbanisme.
COAC, 2004

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Diller + Scofidio's Bad Press: Unseemliness of the Fashionable
Architecture: in Fashion, Editors: Zvi Efrat, D.Fausch, P.Singley, R.El-Khouri.
Princeton Architectural Press, 1994

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Reperes: L'Architecture Emblematique dela "National Museum Hill"
Pre/Occupations d'Espace: Jerusalem Au Pluriel.

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Borderlinedisorder, Anthology for the Israeli pavilion
The 8th international architecture exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Editor: Zvi Efrat, Graphic design: Yotam Bezalel.

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Model State
Territories, Kunst Werke, Berlin.

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Le Plan
Un Occupation Civile, Editors: Eyal Wezman , Rafi Segal.
Les Editions de L'imprimeur, Paris, Babel, Tel Aviv, 2004

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Constructing a Sense of Place, Editor: by Haim Yacobi.

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Architectural Chronicle of Exhibition Spaces
Museum Architecture Today.
Museology Graduate Convention, 2002

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The Israeli Project - Pictogram
Space, Land, Home, Editor: Yehuda Shen'hav.
Kibutz Poalim and the Van Leer Institute, 2003

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The Plan
Theory and Critique #16.

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Efrat-Kowalsky Architects
3 Levontin St.
Tel: 972-3-5256735
Fax: 972-3-6295141
Work developed by Efrat-Kowalsky Architects (EKA) is based on historical research, cultural critique, building analysis and detailed design. We have strong interest in projects with social value, public interest and urban significance. Our particular specialties are analyzing existing situations, defining new programs, devising strategic planning and proposing adaptive re-use projects.
Meira Kowalsky
Architect, has extensive experience in the design of public and private buildings. She specializes in performing arts buildings and museums’ design at all scales, from master-planning and programing to detailed exhibition design. Among the cultural institutions she worked with are:
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; The Ramat Gan Museum of Israeli art; Sam Spiegl Film and Television School; The School of Visual Theater; Nissan Nativ Acting Studio; The City Museum of Tel Aviv; The Holocaust Museum in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Prof. Dr. Zvi Efrat
Architect and Architectural Historian, was Head of the Department of Architecture at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem (2002-2010). He holds B.Arch. from Pratt Institute, MA. In Cinema Studies from NYU and PhD In Architectural History and Theory from Princeton University. He has lectured worldwide, published extensively and curated numerous architectural exhibitions in Israel and in Europe.
His book, The Israeli Project: Building and Architecture 1948-1973, was published in 2004. His book The Object of Zionism, The Architecture of Israel was published in 2018.
Architects at EK A
Adi Samet, Alon Sarig, Alon Ben-Nun, Anna Smorodinsky, Ariel Noyman, Artyom Berlinsky, Avinoam Sharon, Carmit Harnik-Saar, Camille Inbert, Charlotte Mottahedeh, Dan Hasson, Dan Koniac, Dina Weinberg, Dim Shpilman, Dor Levi, Eliran Mishal, Guy Margalit, Gil David, Hila Rak-Broides, Ido Levi, Itay Navon, Maya Tyomkin, Miriam Waltz, Natali Martinov, Orit Achnin, Quentin Derollez, Ruth Kedar, Rinat Shteinlauf, Ram Phear, Roy Finkelman, Rinat Calev, Shani Granek-Isbi, Sarit Shananny, Talma Weitzner, Tamar Ofer, Tali Shechter, Keren Avni, Kfir Gluzberg, Lior Rimon, Yonatan Cohen, Yael Ginosar.
Aviad Bar Nes, Daniel Bauer, Lena gomon, Tomer Appelbaum, Tamara Efrat, Yanai Toister.
The Israel Museum In The International Light
Domus #011, 2011

The Prettiest in Town
Calcalist, February 2011

The Israel Museum by Michael Wize
Architectural Record, November 2010

Israel Museum Renovation Plans: Expanding without Destroying
City Mouse, 2010

House Visit at EKA
Globes, 2010

The House of the White City
Nisha #104, 2010

Cleaning up Intersections of Ancient and ModernNew York Times, 2010

Im Dschungel der Grosstadt
Neue Zurcher Zeitung, 2010

Art News
Israel's Museum - The next Generation, 2009

Ghetto Fighters' House Museum
Ba'it and Noy #100, 2008

Interview with Meira Kowalsky and Zvi Efrat
Studio Art Magazine #171, 2007

Israel Pavilion 12 Venice Architecture Biennale, Ghetto Fighters' House Museum
Life Saver, 2006

Reworking the Israel Museum
Quaderns d'Arquitectura #243, 2004

Architektur und Politik
Arch+ #162, Berlin, 2002

Netherlands Biennale news
Archis #6, 2002

Architectuur als politieke terreur, Het paviljoen van Israel
Archined, 2002

Building, UK

Ha'ir, 2000

The Israeli Project
Ha'aretz, 2000

Zvi Efrat - The advocate of the 50s Architects
Ma'ariv, 2000

There is much Architecture in this Concrete
Globes, 2000

The Future Campus
Ha'ir, 1999

Is the 20th Century ugly?
Ha'aretz, 1998

Don't kill Tel-Aviv
Ha'aretz, 1997

The Unbuilt Museum
Studio Art Magazine #74, 1996

© All copyrights reserved to Efrat-Kowalsky Architects, 3 Levontin St., Tel-Aviv, Israel
Site built by Paley Dmitri